Monday, 15 August 2011

Toront Blue Jays Game

On July 31  we were in Toronto and we went to a Blue Jays game.  It was Roberto Alomar Day so they would be raising his number (12).  For those who don't know, Roberto Alomar is like the best second baseman ever.  He used to play for the jays.  It was so cool because Alomar came down the isle that was like five seats away from where our seats were.

The jays won the game against Texas.  I t was so much fun!!!

I t was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

p.s. I forget what the score was.

Monday, 18 July 2011

my babysitter is awesome

Our babysitter just came back from being in Australia for seven months.  She was looking after twin girls in Australia.  She is the best babysitter ever!  She's really fun and we always get to do fun stuff  with her.  This week we're making jewelery, going to a movie, going to fun mountain, going to McDonald's, having a water balloon  fight and maybe some other fun stuff too.  Last week we had a fashion show.  It was so fun!  

All that  just to say... WE HAVE THE BEST BABYSITTER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Saturday, 21 May 2011


Having my uncle here is awesome!  He let me have around five gingersnap cookies yesterday!  My Grandma made them.  She makes the best gingersnaps! 
This morning we went to Tim Horton's to bring doughnuts home for breakfast.  We each get two doughnuts.  I had had  one and I couldn't decide what to have for my second so he told me to have one half of each.  Sweet!
Having my auntie here is also awesome!  We're probably gonna go to a movie with her and mom.  Plus, she doesn't yell at me during softball practice.  That is a good thing!
Our plans for the weekend probably won't work thanks to the rain.  Oh well we'll have fun anyways.  My auntie and uncle are awesome!!  I have the best aunts and uncles.  I have a lot of aunts and uncles, and these are only 2 of them.   

Friday, 22 April 2011

Don't know what to call this.

Do you want the Jets to come back?  I don't.  If we get the Jets we lose the Moose.  For me that means only Manitoba Bison hockey and maybe a NHL game every few years.   What do you think?

Friday, 15 April 2011

Stanley Cup!

Who are you all cheering for in the Stanley cup playoffs?  I am cheering for the Vancouver Canucks.  Go Canucks!!  My uncle is cheering for the Montreal Canadiens and one of my other uncles likes Boston.  They sometimes phone each other than hang up on them when their team wins.  Are any of you cheering for the Canucks like me?


p.s. Boo Washington!  No offense Ovechkin. 

Thursday, 24 March 2011

What If? By T-bone

Here is a poem I wrote today:

What if we never stopped growing?
My dad would be super tall.
What if we could fly?
I'd fly well but might break a wing.
What if there was no bouncy ball?
I'd be bored.  I can't lie.
What if this poem was ending?
Well it is so good-bye!

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Spring Break!

Guess what?!  Next week is the last week of school before Spring Break.  Mom, Kiera and I are taking the train to Saskatoon and Dad has to go to Nunavut for work. It will be so fun!!  The ride is around 11 hours long.  We'll get to meet our new cousin and visit with our family.  I can't wait!!!  What are you doing for Spring Break?

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Have you voted yet?  Well you need to!  There are only three votes so far and only one or two days left to vote.  What are you waiting for?  Vote already!!! (please)

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Festival & After Festival

Yesterday (Friday March 11) I played violin in the Winnipeg music festival.  I played a piece by George Fiala called Wallaby's Lullaby.  I did really well and I got silver.  After I chose to go to Mongos. (go to for a Mongos rating) This morning we got pancakes yummm.

Welcome to T-bone Talk!!

My name is Thea, nickname T-bone. I think my cousin gave me that nickname when I was quite little.  I live with Mom Dad and my twin sister.  We have a dog named Coffee who is four years old.  That is enough about me.  Keep posted for more posts.